



This show celebrates the interest in exploring the fluid boundary between figuration and abstraction and the pursuance of the transformation of one into the other. The works brought together in this exhibition also document the ditochimy of gravitational weight versus ethereality which is often a defining moment in semi-abstract and abstract works.

We see the use of lightness of exposed ground to create areas of calmness and subtle delicacy that combine with harsh and heavy elements of mark making, blobs and drops, lining and smudging. Themes that may be alluded to can be diverse – from memory and personal experience to the expression of a certain mood or sentiment to depictions of nature and the material world.

The works shown also reflect a phenomenon that is not unusual for artists: living through stages of various styles during their carreers. This may be a journey from colourful figuration to informal monochromatic expression or a movement from realistic portraiture to an abstract lyrical style charched with hidden social and political meaning.

During these transformative porcesses of becoming ever-more nonrepresentational, figuration seems progressively to disappear entirely, and the essence of the paintings come less through narrative and more through pictorial means.

The concealed language of these artists’ abstract works however remain consistent and is bond of common expression: the scenes conveyed are familiar in their fragments which remain mysterious in their contiguity. The sprinkled areas of bright colour are at once refreshing and unsettling, the pretty colours of perhaps an dark and challenging world.



External and internal spaces combine and the swirling lines and tumbling forms seem to disassemble, suggest a world in disarray. There is a sense of obfuscation, of things repressed and silenced right nexst to ourbreaks of power and dynamic gesture. Gravity tries to impose its weight and mighty message while lofty, airy parts of the images counter these efforts with surprising ease and natural charme. Everything gets integrated into these works of art, not always consciously but strongly inspirational.

The show presents artwork of Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Antoni Tapies, A.R. Penck and Mani Nejad. For the full press release, list of works and any inquiries on specific artworks please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@n5studio.de. Artworks of this exhibition as well as other artworks presented on this website can be purchased online at COAX Contemporary Art Exchange.


Modern and Contemporary Encounters with Abstraction

22 May 2022 – 25 August 2022

N5 Studio
